Resource Library
Find the tools, resources, and inspiration to build your capacity and your leadership.

¿Por Que Ter Protocolos?
Why Protocols translated into Portuguese

¿Por que usar Protocolos?
Spanish translation of Why Protocols?

3-2-1 Reflection
Worksheet for participants to gather reflecttions to apply their learning.

30 Minute Virtual Atlas Looking at Data Protocol
It is a critical equity practice to use processes when looking at data that engage multiple stakeholders, such as colleagues, families, students and community members, in intentional discourse that suspends judgement and broadens possibility and perspectives for everyone to understand all that the data may reveal, before moving toward a collective understanding and plans to take action.

30 Minute Virtual Collaborative Assessment Conference Protocol
To examine a piece of student work with an assets-based lens in order to reveal the student’s mastery, intellectual interests, strengths, and struggles and inform future instructional practice.

30 Minute Virtual Final Word protocol
To explore an article, clarify thinking, and have assumptions and beliefs questioned in order to gain a deeper understanding of an issue.

30 Minute Virtual Ping Pong Protocol
To assist a group in having a substantive discussion about a dilemma that all of its members collectively face. The process helps teams dig deeper into a shared dilemma through reflection and opens up opportunities for groups to make suggestions about next steps to take within their realm of influence

30 Minute Virtual Tuning Protocol
To help educators obtain critical feedback from peers that improves their work as they prepare to execute next steps to improve learning.

30-Minute Virtual Consultancy
To help presenters think more expansively about a particular, concrete dilemma.

45-Minute Virtual Tuning Protocol for Large Groups
Get feedback from your colleagues about the degree to which the design or document you’ve offered seems likely to allow the presenter to achieve their goals. The work is “in tune” when the goals and design are most in alignment.

60-Minute Virtual Tuning Protocol
Get feedback from your colleagues about the degree to which the design or document you’ve offered seems likely to allow the presenter to achieve their goals. The work is “in tune” when the goals and design are most in alignment.

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words
Allow participants to express their feelings about a project, concept, or implementation by using metaphor based on a picture. To be used as an opening activity as it allows for people to get their voice in the room, share from their own perspective, and prepare for the topic at hand.